A Soprano's Scratchpad

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ever read the warning label?

So, Trisket went to the vet today and came home with a bottle of pills to take care of whatever is that's giving him the runs. This medicine is serious stuff! And I quote...

"You should tell your veterinarian about any liquid medications that you give your pet and not allow your pet to ingest any alcoholic drinks while on this medication."

Wow, I hadn't thought of that! Sorry, Trisket - you're going to have to lay off the martinis for a week.

This medicine, "should be stored in a tight, light-resistant, childproof container away from all children and other household pets."

Alright, so they sometimes behave like cats & dogs, but I don't usually consider children to be household pets! Something to think about before I have kids!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I can make my ears ring!

Yes, indeed! I discovered this special skill awhile ago, but I thought it might be coincidence. After the third time, I decided it was truly a correlation. Here's the trick:

If I lay my head, ear down, on my cat's body while she is purring, and keep it there for at least 10 seconds, the ear which was closest to her will begin ringing loudly as soon as I pull it away from the cat.

So far, this phenomenon has only proven true with Lucy. I may attempt the same with Trisket, but Ricky and Tigger have a nasty habit of "turning off" their purr if I lay on them. Maybe if I catch them in an especially good mood....


Thursday, June 22, 2006

10 years ago....

Yes, ten years ago on this very day I attended a beautiful wedding in Greeley, CO uniting two very dear friends of mine in marraige.

Happy Anniversary, Roger & Melissa!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My so-far successful diet

I know, I know....I'm not "fat," but I weighed 110 pounds for well over a decade and then in the last three years, I added 36 pounds, without changing my habits. I started exercising regularly, and I still continued to put on weight! And yes, I've checked, I'm not pregnant. So, I finally decided I needed to watch my diet. I started keeping a log of how many calories I took in each day, and the mere act of keeping track was incentive for me to eat smaller portions. Sometimes I can't believe how many calories are in tiny amounts of my favorite foods! But it worked. I started counting calories on June 5th. In the first five days, I lost 7 lbs, without starving myself. Since then, I've lost only two more, but I expected it to slow down considerably after the first week to a more healthy rate. I'm mostly glad to see that I'm not gaining anymore and I'm slowly, but steadily losing some weight. My goal is to be a healthy 125 lbs.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A little "screwed" up

This evening Eric and I bought a small towel cabinet for our bathroom. Some assembly required. Eric took one look at the directions and sighed, "We're screwed." Nice choice of words, love. With instructions like these, he may never get the thing put together!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Decline of the classical arts? I think not!

Fascinating article on the state of classical music. The author challenges the idea that the classical arts are dying, and instead claims that they are flourishing even more today than they did in the so-called "Golden Age."

"Check the Numbers: Rumors of Classical Music's Demise Are Dead Wrong"

I will not be assimilated!

Trisket, my youngest kitty, was trying to tell me something. He meowed and meowed, looking up at me expectantly. I'd already fed him and played with him, so I couldn't tell what he wanted. Exasperated, I said, "Speak English, cat! You're in America!"

He thought about it a moment, and meowed again.