A Soprano's Scratchpad

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How does this happen?

So, my first semester at UNC, I discovered that being in school threw my life out of balance - there was no time for family, friends, church activities, performing, etc. So, I took fewer credits my second semester, but somehow found myself even busier. My third/last semester at UNC I knew would be crazy, but I pushed through it so I could be done in December and get back to the rest of my life.

When I graduated a month ago, I thought I was looking forward to a more reasonable lifestyle again, but so far that has been a joke. That's not to say I'm not enjoying myself, but I am swamped. Email is coming in faster than I can reply to it. I finally got 83 auditions packets ready to mail to my NATS colleagues tomorrow - that was a lot of work! (But again, it's fun.) And things are starting to pour in for the Loveland Opera Theatre program. And my studio recital is 2 1/2 weeks away, so the final planning is in the works there - finalizing the program, getting the music to the accompanist, and scheduling a dress rehearsal. This week, I have been running from one thing to the next from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until my head hits the pillow sometime the next morning. It's unreal. My birthday will be here before I know it, and I won't be ready!

Those close to me keep asking what I want for my birthday. It's a big birthday, after all. But it's right after Christmas and graduation - what else could I possibly want that I haven't received already? And yet, I hate to waste such an opportunity ;-) - when will I be this "special" again?

Anyhow, I thought I should blog so you all know why I am so slow in replying to your emails....! I'm still trying to catch my breath!


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