A Soprano's Scratchpad

Monday, January 07, 2008

It goes both ways

So, I just finished watching the Bucks get anhililated in the BCS championship for the 2nd year in a row. About halfway through, I remarked to a friend that I am a lot like the Buckeyes' football team: I generally perform really well, except in competition (that is, under pressure). He said, I thought you were going to say the Bucks looked like a bunch of opera singers trying to play football. He has a point.

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  • At 1/08/2008 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    At least the end result was closer this year, but 31 straight points leave a sick feeling in one's stomach. :(

    So, last year, they were swapped with IU's team, and, this year, they got swapped with a bunch of opera singers. It does seem to make sense.

    In their defense, the location of the game this year did them no favors. That essentially was a home game for LSU.

  • At 1/08/2008 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    See, this posting makes me laugh. Where I went to college, our football team had a perfect season one year. 0-8. "That's all right, that's OK. You'll be working for us some day." :)


  • At 1/14/2008 11:23 PM, Blogger Ward said…

    I don't think this was a case of OSU not performing under pressure. They just came across a team with faster players. But maybe they did under perform a little.

    In music, it can be similar. The fact is you love it. You're good, excellent in fact, but not everyone is world class. So does that mean you don't have a God given mission to fulfill? :) i think not. Not everyone has the gift to have a thriving studio.


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