A Soprano's Scratchpad

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Do you believe in magic?

Some things I was reminded of this afternoon:

a) God really loves me.
b) I can still B.S. my way through just about anything.
c) You can get away with a lot in an undergrad course when you have a grad student's experience and background knowledge.

Undergrad course? Yes, I'm taking a few of those this semester in working towards my teaching licensure, while simultaneously working on my master's degree in Music Education.

So, one of my courses is "Guitar in the Classroom." We had an assignment due today - to choose a song from somewhere other than our book, learn it, and accompany ourselves on the guitar as we sing it for the class. I thought it was due on Thursday. It wasn't. It was due today. And I hadn't even chosen a song yet, let alone learned one.

So, I'm sweating in my seat wondering what on earth to do. I start wondering if I can make something up. It occurs to me that I can do a I-IV-V-I progression in the key of G, so I'm racking my brain to think of songs that use only those three chords. I came up with Happy Birthday and Silent Night, neither of which I had ever attempted on a guitar before.

Suddenly it's my turn. The teacher asks what song I will be singing. In a split second, I choose one and confidently (yes, oscar winning performance on that one) announce that I will be singing "Silent Night." I aced the assignment, doing better than about 1/2 the class who had spent actual time practicing much more complicated songs. The teacher came up to me afterward and said he would have picked Silent Night, too, because he likes that song so much.

Does God love Ellie? I think so!

"If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:32


  • At 12/06/2006 12:08 PM, Blogger Christianne said…

    That's awesome! And that's one assignment you don't have to "do". I would have failed from sweating alone. ;)

    I need to believe in God's magic right now. News of a friend of ours giving birth (as happy as I am for her and her husband) upset me greatly because it feels as though I will never have that joy.


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