A Soprano's Scratchpad

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The fall music-making shake-out

It's been a whirlwind last 24 hours. I received an email early yesterday with casting for the upcoming Opera Colorado production of Madama Butterfly. It listed first names only, and I didn't see my name, so I was confused as to why I received an email telling me that scores were ready to be picked up and contracts ready to be signed. I replied and found out that they had erroneously listed me as "Elizabeth." They had cast me after all.

Thus began the craziness of seeing whether or not it would work. I was surprised to have been cast since I had already notified them I would be out of town the weekend before the show opens. I think they had forgotten, though. I emailed back a list of my conflicts, including two misses in the first week for the Loveland Opera Theatre gala and three the weekend before the show when I am speaking at the NATS regional conference in Nebraska. They replied that it was too many rehearsals to miss, but that they would keep me in mind for the spring productions.

So, I am disappointed because I was excited to make the first cut this time around and I was excited to sing with them again - it was so much fun when I sang with them in April - it was also great to be surrounded by musicians of my caliber or better. But I was also nervous because it would require withdrawing from my choir because the performances overlapped. (Yes, this sounds like a no-brainer, but it's complicated.) I was prepared to do this, but it wasn't going to be pleasant.

So, it's all shaken out and the fall will find me singing with Loveland Opera Theatre and two choirs. The spring is still totally up in the air on all fronts, but it will work itself out in its own time.



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