A Soprano's Scratchpad

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive

I have just been so busy! I must say, I am not missing grad school like I thought I would. There are just so many exciting things going on!

My big project has been scheduling the spring auditions (contest) for my NATS chapter. This has been like a gigantic sudoku puzzle scheduling 58 judges and 380 singers into 16 rooms for 534 singing auditions. I've actually quite enjoyed it, but it has occupied nearly every free moment for the last few weeks. I finally finished the scheduling around 1 o'clock this morning. Now, I just have to get the final mailing ready to go and then prepare for the event day. Still a lot to do, but there's a huge chunk of it done now.

This will be my year to attend national music teacher conventions. The MTNA (Music Teachers Natl Assn) national conference happens to be in Denver this year, so I would be a fool not to take advantage of the opportunity. That one is the end of March and beginning of April. Then, I won a scholarship to attend the NATS (Natl Assn of Teachers of Singing) national conference in Nashville this summer. I am REALLY looking forward to both of these awesome opportunities for learning and networking.

And finally, I have been invited to sing with the Opera Colorado chorus for The Flying Dutchman in April. It will not be a staged production, so we will rehearse every night for two weeks and then two performances and then it's done. I auditioned back in September and have been an alternate for the last two shows, but this time I get to sing. Rehearsals start the same day as the NATS contest, so I won't have time to rest & recouperate from the auditions, but it will be something new and it doesn't last long.

So, that's what's been up in my little world. Eric and I were able to get away to the mountains this last weekend and the time away from everything was very good for both of us. We need to get away more often, I think.

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