A Soprano's Scratchpad

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's great to be back!

I'm happy to be back on campus again. My first class this morning was stellar. I knew I was going to enjoy it before the prof ever said a word. He went to the board and wrote a list of about 15 different ways we could address him including nicknames he has apparently acquired along the way, and of course, concluding with "hey you!" I've been concerned about this class simply because it's 2 hours long and I have trouble focussing on anything that long, but this fella held my attention the whole time. I'm going to enjoy this class. (McKnights? Jensens? Any of you ever have Dr. Jacobs for Foundations of Education?)

I got to campus early today because I overestimated how long it would take me to run my errands. So, I went to the UC with the intent of eating lunch, checking email, and visiting the bookstore. I accomplished none of these things. There was a fair of sorts in the commons area of different companies and school organizations advertising. I started with a free chair massage. I eventually walked out with a cup, a t-shirt, a highlighter, ink pen, cookie, water bottle, water bottle holder, lotion, candy and coupons. Not bad!

I got to the bookstore later on and finally acquired the UNC Christmas tree ornament I've been wanting. :-)


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