A Soprano's Scratchpad

Friday, December 29, 2006

Round Two

So, you probably know we're dealing with more snow.

I've noticed that a few churches have already canceled services for Sunday. And the city of Denver enforced the removal of vehicles from the posted snow routes for the first time in 24 years. This storm wouldn't be that big a deal if it weren't for the fact that we're still digging out from the last one. As the mayor said last night, "we're running out of places to put the snow." I was just out shoveling our driveway, and I ran into that issue. The snow around the perimeter of the yard is stacked so high now that it's hard to get the shovel high enough to dump more on it.

Another issue is supplies. The grocery stores never got caught up from the last storm, so they're really understocked now. And the cat food I ordered for Trisket two weeks ago still hasn't come in since they've missed 3 deliveries in a row, and he is not the most understanding cat.

I've lost 5 days of teaching in two weeks. That's a whole week of income, and since it's the same students I couldn't see last week, the likelihood of making all those lessons up is basically nil.

Still, we have everything we need and since Eric was still able to get to work the last two days, I've finally gotten some good practicing in. I also had plenty of time to make some fudge and a favorite jello recipe of my mom's that I haven't had in years.


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