A Soprano's Scratchpad

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Never thought I'd see the day

New Kids on the Block... remember them? Well, they're back together and on tour! I absolutely adored them when they were popular, and abandoned them when they fell from glory. I didn't stop liking their music, per se, but I moved on to other things and never really looked back. So, they have a myspace page, and it has all their old music on it, so I listened to some of the tracks that I remembered as having been my favorites... it's amazing how you can not hear a song for 16 years or more and still remember every word and inflection. It's rather nostalgic, isn't it? But I have a lot of good memories associated with the NKOTB music, namely my surprise 13th birthday party and bonding with my cousin, Shelly, who was a few years older than me and fanatical about them, which made them really cool to little cousin Ellie.

I had a very similar experience recently when I bought a Gatlin Brothers album that we used to listen to all the time when our family drove to/from Sanibel Island, FL for our summer vacations, and listening to it reminds me what it felt like to be a little kid on vacation. It's funny - some of those songs refer to very adult activities, but they don't come right out and say "sex" and "drinking" so even though I had every word memorized, I never had any idea what I was singing about... and never knew the difference until I heard the songs again this summer.

I used to have a cassette tape with a compilation of songs my parents had put together from their LPs. I listened to it all the time and always sang along to it. I remember singing along in the backseat one day and overhearing my parents snickering in the front seat... apparently, the record had skipped and left out a whole section, and I had never noticed. I just sang along like that's how it was supposed to be. Now, when I hear that song, it doesn't sound right to me without the skip I was used to hearing!

...which is just another reminder to my students to take care not to learn their music wrong, because it'll never sound right when they do it the right way!



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