A Soprano's Scratchpad

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The first sign of summer

For kids, summer begins when school gets out. As adults, we use other events to signal the start of summer. I have two, and the first of those two events was this evening: the Musicians of St. Clare's spring concert, which concludes our season. Now, instead of choir practice on Tuesday nights, I will be teaching my summer master class with Allison in Golden for 6 weeks before I embark on my summer travels to Nashville and Pataskala.

The 2nd of my summer milestones is the my studio recital, after which I shift to a summer teaching schedule, which is lighter overall, and generally fewer days of the week. Ordinarily, I do most of my teaching from 3-6 PM - the hours between school letting out and Eric getting home - but in the summer, the kids have more flexible schedules so I can get them all into three days instead of five. This milestone is three weeks out yet.

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