A Soprano's Scratchpad

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Opening Night

Last night was opening night of The Flying Dutchman, and it was awesome! It’s ridiculous that they pay me to have this much fun. I enjoyed it even more last night than at the sitzprobe. It helped that Hasmik Papian (Senta) was singing full voice this time so I could hear her better – gave me goosebumps! I was grinning from ear to ear when we got offstage for the intermission after Act II. Three of my good friends from high school came to the show, which also made it more exciting for me. When the show was over, I caught Maestro Stephen Lord as he was walking through the chorus area and asked him to pose for a picture with me.



  • At 4/27/2008 3:31 PM, Blogger Christianne said…

    I miss the big performances like that. I my case it was big choral works instead of opera. There were some pretty special experiences with the NY Phil, Philly Symphony and Concertgebaugh (I think that's how it's spelled!) Of course, though, they were school things, so we didn't get paid. :( I've heard that a lot of professional musicians lose the joy and excitement that we had as students. I hope that never happens to either of us. I'm glad you're having so much fun! Keep it up!


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