A Soprano's Scratchpad

Monday, June 25, 2007


I finally gave in and created a MySpace account a few weeks ago because it was the only way to communicate with my brother, so he said. I've had fun exploring since then, though. I've reconnected with a handful of friends from high school, and today I found SCC and Nichole Nordeman's MySpace pages. There's a great video of "Finally Free" on Nichole's MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/nicholenordeman).

I also visited her website for the first time in a long time and found an article she wrote for CCM Magazine that is very worth reading. She talks about how "unreal" the Christian music industry can be. Here is an excerpt:

"felt…still feel…uneasy about that photo shoot princess moment. Not because there’s anything wrong with feeling momentarily flawless…but because that photo and many like it, in no way represent my real life. I feel rather nauseous when I consider the young girl who sees that photo and has no idea that it took 5 hours and an entire team of makeup artists and stylists to make me look like a princess. She also has no idea that even after all that, somebody sat at a computer (with my enthusiastic blessing) and point and clicked away my acne scars, my 35 year old wrinkles and the roll of flesh around my middle that makes me look like I am perpetually stuck in my 2nd trimester. " http://www.nicholenordeman.com/article.aspx?id=528407

She also interviews several other Christian artists. It's a thoughtful and thought-provoking article.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, my MySpace page is http://www.myspace.com/denversop.


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