A Soprano's Scratchpad

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Triathlon training update

Okay, I've decided that two hours is perhaps too ambitious a goal for completing my first triathlon.

The swim is still no problem, at least in the pool. I still need to get out and try it in open water before the big day.

The biking is also not too rough, but I've found that I can't go as fast "in the real world" as I can on the stationary bike at the gym. Lots of variables. So, that part will probably take a little longer than I previously expected.

And thirdly, I'm just not the runner I was when I was winning red and blue ribbons in 5th & 6th grade track meets. (It wasn't that long ago, was it? oh dear....) I did the full 3.1 miles on the treadmill last week and took ibuprofen every four hours for two days afterward. Tonight I ran a more sensible 2 miles out in "the real world," but my legs just turned to rubber after about a mile and a half. I wasn't "tired" or out of breath, but my legs just wouldn't do their thing for more than 10 or 20 yards at a time after than 1.5 mi mark, so I mostly walked after that. My first mile took 15 minutes and the second one took 21 minutes. And on race day, there's still that third mile. So, two hours will just not be enough time. Maybe this time I'll just congratulate myself for finishing.


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