A Soprano's Scratchpad

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Future Triathlete?

Yes, I think so!

Eric has been volunteering for local women's triathlons for years and I joined him last year and this year. I started to catch the bug at the Danskin triathlon we volunteered at on Sunday. On Monday, I talked to my supervisor at my new summer job with Parade of Homes, and she is participating in the next triathlon on Aug. 6th. And she talked me into doing it, too. So, I canceled my commitment with the volunteer coordinator and signed up yesterday to be a participant in the Tri-For-The-Cure triathlon which raises money for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The timing of this burst of insanity on my part is quite timely given that my stepmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in early April. I know I take for granted that her so-far-successful recovery is thanks to foundations like these.

The women's-only triathlon consists of a 750m (1/2 mile) open swim in the reservoir, a 20K (12.4 mi) bike and a 5K (3.1 mi) run. Sunday's Danskin triathlon took place in 100 degree heat. I'm hoping for some cloud cover on August 6th.

But, I'm thrilled to say that I am very confident that I can complete the race. Tonight I went to the gym and gave it a try. I started with the 12.4 mi bike ride on one of the stationary bikes on random mode (34.5 minutes!), then did the 1/2 mile swim (35 pool lengths) in the pool (31 minutes!). I decided not to go ahead with the 3.1 mile treadmill run because I wanted to get to Jamba Juice before they closed, and I just barely made it. But I felt like I could handle the run at that point. There's no question that the actual race will be more difficult than the nice, consistent conditions of the athletic club, but at least I know now that it's something I can handle with only 2 and a half weeks to prepare. At this time, I think my goal will be to finish the triathlon in under two hours.

I feel empowered by this. I CAN run a triathlon. In a few weeks, I hope to be able to say that I DID run a triathlon. And in a month and a half, I'll start my master's degree in music education at UNC. And with the same steady determination with which I am facing the triathlon, hopefully in a couple years, I can say I've completed a master's degree program. That will be SO COOL!!


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