On to Columbus... not a great start.
I got into Columbus yesterday afternoon and met up with Dad & Eric. My throat had been growing increasingly sore over the last two days. My throat is absolutely raw, so anything remotely acidic makes it burn, and it hurts to swallow. Then, I spent most of the nighttime hours praying to the porcelain god. This left me exhausted and, more importantly, extremely dehydrated so that I could neither sit nor stand without becoming dizzy and nausesous. I stayed home while Dad & Eric went to the cheese factory and the winery, and when they got home, we went to urgent care where I got a liter of IV fluids to give me a good start at rehydrating. Strep test, sadly, came back negative, which means I'm fighting a virus rather than a bacteria that could be easily dealt with via antibiotic. Darnit. So, I'm glad this wasn't supposed to be a short visit. I can take some time to get well and still enjoy time with the family. Grateful this bug waited until the conference was over, at any rate.
At 7/03/2008 2:00 PM,
Christianne said…
Awe! That's no fun! Get well soon.
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